A Hand Book Of Sindhi Idioms (English To sindhi)

Hang it! I don’t want it.
Hang it.
Harassment, worry.
Hard-hearted; stubborn.
Hard-working; painstaking; one who soothes.
Harping on the same subject.
Has gone out hawking.
Have belief; believe me (said by a person while borrowing money to impress upon the lender that he would get back his money).
Have courage.
Have regard for (my) old age.
Having a large heart.
Having a star on the forehead (a blemish in a horse); said also of an ill-fated person.
Having a tendency to tear wearing apparel.
Having once promised, one should not retract..
Having the menses (a woman).
Having the temper or disposition of a lover, sportive, merry.
He became blind.
He became glad; he gained colour.
He became overwhelmed with shame (through self- consciousness.
He began to make preparations to go or runaway.
He cancelled the betrothal.
He does not put his mind to the work; looks upon it as a burden; does it in an off-hand manner.
He exerted himself much; he tried many expedients.
He gave him a beating.
He goes on giving or spending freely.
He has become proud.
He has become very weak.
He has earned nothing at all. (ڌوڙ Dust).
He has got a fit of madness.
He has got small-pox.
He has ill-treated all; or misbehaved towards all.
He has influence.
He has lost his head, he has become very mad or foolish.
He has lost his senses.
He has no ability or stuff in him; he has no means or money.
He has no fixed abode.
He is a bachelor or a widower.
He is all alone; he is a bachelor or a widower.
He is an influential person.
He is blest with son and heir.
He is evil-intentioned.
He is exerting himself for nothing c.f. He that blows in the dust, fills his own eyes.
He is indifferent or proud.
He is not a super-human being; (he is an ordinary man like us).
He is shameless; has no regard for others.
He is tied to his mother’s apron-string.
He is totally inexperienced or foolish
He is trying to run away.
He is unrivalled in virtue; he is above reproach.
He is unrivalled.
He is weak physically or financially.
He lost all honour; became disgraced.
He lost both games (opportunities)
He lost his honour, became disgraced.
He lost his honour, became disgraced.
He lost his only son; he has no survivor or heir.
He made many efforts.
He passed the last days of his life honorably and well.
He puts me off with false hopes.
He refused point blank to listen.
He struggled (like a fish); tried hard.
He traveled in foreign countries.
Head quarters.
Heartily, with heart and soul.
Heavenly paradise.
Help! Help! (colloq) Haste (imperative of ريختن to scatter& c., hence “put flight”, “overcome by an enemy or by a misfortune” “crying for quarter or mercy”)
Henpecked; under the thumb of his wife or petticoat government.
Hesitation, sooner or later; at last; hereafter.
Hiding another’s misdeeds.
High and low.
High- handedness; (اُرهه chest).
Highhandedness; violence.
His countenance fell.
His heart in like the nether mill-stone; he is very hard-hearted.
His star is in the ascendant; he is very lucky.
Hot and hot, piping hot.
Humble food, pot- luck.
Hurry, bustle, running backwards and forwards, flutter.
Hurry, haste.
I am between the devil and the deep sea.
I am very hungry.
I can estimate the weight of a thing without actually weighing it.
I cannot do without you.
I can’t afford to do owing to pecuniary considerations, can’t afford to spend.
I don’t believe; does not seem to be right or true.
I know his intentions.
I offer up hearty prayers for you.
I shall be pleased.
i.e. I have experience.
Ill-founded (a report); nonsensical talk.
Ill-gotten goods.
Ill-gotten goods.
Ill-gotten money
In (any body’s) concern.
In (my) consideration; as I thought.
In a bad manner; in a mess.
In a day or two, in the near future; soon.

Online Sindhi Learning

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Virtual Books Library

SLA has developed virtual library where bulk amount of books in Sindhi Language’s history, learning, are posted as downloadable & online readable format. This library is developed for all platforms and systems for better access.

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Portal for Sindhi Kids

For the Sindhi kids who are studying in primary schools, SLA has presented online academic songs extracted from their text books in musical structure. The soothing portal is ideal for Sindhi primary students.

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