A Hand Book Of Sindhi Idioms (English To sindhi)

In a lump sum, united.
In broad daylight.
In figures and words, chapter and verse.
In one’s nature.
In one’s own interest.
In one’s personal capacity.
In one’s power.
In rags, in shreds, in torn shoddy clothes.
In respect of.
In season and out of season; frequently.
In short, briefly.
In short.
In tatters.
In the afternoon or evening.
In the afternoon when the day has cooled.
In the bargain; free, for nothing.
In the beginning. (= سائي سلي)
In the city proper.
In the dust: good for nothing.
In the lump, taking all together.
In the middle of the night during the night.
In the middle of the night, while it was still night.
In the same condition.
In the sulks.
In the twinkling of an eye.
In the twinkling of an eye.
In threads, worn out threads.
In time of need.
In time of need.
In time.
Income (opp. ويندو expense)
Independent, in good circumstances, well.
Inevitable, obstinate.
Influential, having power and position.
Inseparably together, ever at hand.
Interrupting or spoiling an arrangement; to put obstacles.
Into small pieces, dashed to pieces, bruised.
Inundation, deluge.
Irritable, easily made angry.
Is very beautiful.
Is very happy or comfortable.
It does not appeal to me; it does not seem to be true.
It does not matter, never mind. (ڀولو mistake, harm).
It is a false rumour.
It is a far cry to Lochawe. 2. It is a long long way to Tipperary. 3. Rome was not built in a day.
It is al barren or desolate.
It is all up with him.
It is as clear as day.
It is natural; it is a foregone conclusion.
It is not required.
It rained.
Jealous, envious.
Jewellery, valuables, etc.
Joint family.
Just sufficient.
Keen appetite, voracious hunger.
Land and water.
Last of all.
Late in the morning.
Laughter, hurly burly.
Lazy, idle.(ڍاڪَ The iliac bone).
Lazy, slothful. (Lit. with feathers broken).
Legitimate, lawfully earned.
Let him please himself.
Let his need be satisfied.
Life is a big net i.e. full of worries and trouble.
Life to come to an end.
Lifting one by the hand and feet.
Light of the age.
Light-fingered, a pilferer.
Lit. A leather sucker i.e. miser.
Lit. Dust, fog (metaphorically) weight on the mind; affliction, ill-feeling.
Lit. Lotus foot i.e. beautiful foot (as of a deity & c.)
Lit. More would be the extreme limit of respect i.e. would verge on disrespect (such is commonly the concluding phrase of a petition or a letter to a superior.)
Lit. one who decrees; a judge. The name of an Arab chief known for generosity; hence “liberal, generous.”
Lit. seal of modesty زالن جي وات تي مرم جي مهر لڳل آهي Women are modest.
Lit. To step in one’s shoes; to measure swords with a person; to rub shoulders with.
Lit: one’s house on his shoulders; nomadic.
Lit: The eye. The bud of a plant; any small indentation or spot (as on dice).
Lit: To ascend the couch (like a bridegroom); to marry. (2) To rain.
Lit: to convert the white milk of a swallow-wort into black; to do something miraculous (nothing grand). Used ironically e.g.پڙهي اڪ ڪارا ڪيائين= پڙهي گهڻو سوجهرو ڪو نه ڪيائين or ڪو نه پڙهيو
Lit; A boat that sticks (fig:) a slow-coach.
Lit; sixteen annas-in the rupee). Completely, entirely.
Little by little.
Little by little; by degrees.
Living in town proper.
Long tale, fuss; tall story.
Lost all belongings
Lost to virtue, abandoned..
Luck, to take a bad turn.
Majority of votes.
Making merry with drink.
Manners, etiquette.(lit. rising up and sitting).
Marching, removing from one place to another.

Online Sindhi Learning

SLA has developed online Sindhi Learning portal where non Sindhi speakers can easily learn Sindhi Language, which is developed from basic level to advance. This portal is based on Dr. Fahmida Hussain’s linguistic methodology of learning.

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Virtual Books Library

SLA has developed virtual library where bulk amount of books in Sindhi Language’s history, learning, are posted as downloadable & online readable format. This library is developed for all platforms and systems for better access.

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Portal for Sindhi Kids

For the Sindhi kids who are studying in primary schools, SLA has presented online academic songs extracted from their text books in musical structure. The soothing portal is ideal for Sindhi primary students.

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