A Hand Book Of Sindhi Idioms (English To sindhi)

To spin a long yarn.
To spin a yarn.
To spin.
To spoil by over kind treatment.
To spoil by over-indulgence.
To spoil someone; to corrupt; to divert the course of things.
To spoil, pamper.
To sprain one’s ankle.
To sprawl, to sleep at ease, to idle at home.
To sprawl; to lie or stretch out the limbs in a careless posture.
To spread out to the air.
To sprinkle salt on the wounds; to afflict the afflicted; to add insult to injury.
To squander away.
To squander money to gain name or fame
To squander money; to use as pocket expenses.
To squander, spoil, waste.
To squander, waste.
To squander, waste.
To squat cross-legged.
To stammer, to falter in speaking.
To stamp on the ground.
To stare (at).
To start, to be started.
To starve (one), to repress hunger.
To starve in a cook- shop.
To starve one’s self.
To starve, famish
To starve, to be exceedingly hungry.
To steal away one’s belongings; to make a clean sweep of them. چَوتي Sweeping clean (as by a thief); carrying off.
To stem (vegetable & c).
To step, to help, to be of service to.
To stick on like a leech.
To stick to a place.
To stick to one’s guns; not to budge an inch.
To stiffen. (ٽاٽ stiff.)
To stink terribly.
To stir up a wasp’s nest, to foment a quarrel.
To stone (to death).
To stop going to a person; to refrain from doing something.
To stop one’s breath as some ascetics do, as religious exercise (for honrs together)
To stop one’s source of livelihood.
To stop, cease giving.
To stop, check. (ٻُنجو a large cork, a plug).
To stop, to cease to give; to help.
To straighten, to give fitting punishment.(ٽڪ مان ور لاهڻ)
To straighten.
To stretch oneself.
To stretch out the legs, rest; to walk about.
To stretch the arms from weariness; to set e.g. ڪتين ڪر موڙيا.
To strike the bottom, to be touched to the quick.
To strike the foot against (a stumbling block or obstacle)
To strip up (water etc.); to rain fitfully.
To strive hard.
To strive laboriously; to rack one’s brains; to strain one’s nerves or thoughts to the utmost.
To strive or manage.
To stroke, caress.
To struggle much.
To strut.
To stumble, grope.
To subdue.
To subject to ill-treatment.
To submit.
To succeed in a difficult matter.
To succeed in a difficult matter; to do a Herculean task.
To suffe patiently, to pull on with one, with considerable self-restraint.
To suffer a defeat.
To suffer a great loss.
To suffer a loss.
To suffer damage or loss.
To suffer defeat.
To suffer from illness for a long time.
To suffer hardships; to wander about unprofitably. (تُولاڪو Wandering).
To suffer just retribution for one’s crimes; to receive one’s deserts.
To suffer loss or injury.
To suffer loss.
To suffer loss.
To suffer misfortune.
To suffer pain or misery.
To suffer patiently, or with resignation.
To suffer troubles; to undergo difficulties (for some one else).
To suffer.
To support, back up, help.
To surpass even the devil in mischief.
To surpass.
To surpass.
To surrender, submit.
To swagger, to be crushed.
To swallow.
To sweep, to submit to search.
To swell (as the sea).
To swell one’s cheeks; to get angry.
To swim with the stream.
To sympathize (with).
To take a change of air or climate; to go for a change.
To take a cooling draught.
To take a fancy to.
To take a little refreshment; to refresh oneself by eating something; to taste (of a delicacy).
To take a nap.
To take a tiresome journey, to work the legs about from pain.
To take account of.

Online Sindhi Learning

SLA has developed online Sindhi Learning portal where non Sindhi speakers can easily learn Sindhi Language, which is developed from basic level to advance. This portal is based on Dr. Fahmida Hussain’s linguistic methodology of learning.

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Virtual Books Library

SLA has developed virtual library where bulk amount of books in Sindhi Language’s history, learning, are posted as downloadable & online readable format. This library is developed for all platforms and systems for better access.

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Portal for Sindhi Kids

For the Sindhi kids who are studying in primary schools, SLA has presented online academic songs extracted from their text books in musical structure. The soothing portal is ideal for Sindhi primary students.

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