Dictionary of Medical Science (English To Sindhi)

gullet, oesphagus, waist, aphrodiasic
gulp, swallow
gulp, swallow, deglution
gulp, swallow, deglutition, engulf
gums gingiva [L]
gums, gingival [L]
habit, addiction, nature, disposition, conduct, behaviour, awareness, cognistion
habit, practice, custom
habit, trait, act, conduct, behaviour, disposition, character, way, manner, quality, virtue, excellence
half breed, hybrid, cross breed, mongrel, mulatto
half doctor, quack, medicant
halfbreed, cross, hybrid
hallucination, delusion, hallucinatory, delusional or gustatory faculty, fancy
hand, manus [L], cheir [L]
happiness, gladness
happiness, gladness, gaiety, pleasure
happiness, joy, jaeity
happiness,gladness,cheerfulness,joy, rejoicings, griety, glaee, delight, pleasure, mirth, merriment
happy glad, joyful, joyous, pleased, delightful, cheerful
happy, glad
hard swelling of an abcess, nodule
hare lip
harm, damage, loss, determent, hurt, injury
harm, trouble, fear, disaster, misfortune, possession demonic
harmful, injurious, deleterious, detrimental, baneful
having big or protuberant umbilicus
hawking, expectration
head & neck, cephalus, caput
head and neck
head injury, fatal injury, shock
head presentation in labour
head, forehead
head, head and neck
head, head and neck, cephalus [L], kephale [G]
headache, cephalalgia
headless, body without head
healer, excellent physician
healing of wound
healing of wound
healing, curative, efficacious
healing, cure, discharge of semen
healing, cure, health, recovery
health recovery
health science
health, cure, recovery, healing
health, fituess, physical fitues
health, physical fitness
health, physical fitness
health, recovery
health, recovery
health, recovery
health, vigour
health, wellbeing, peace
healthy, physically fit
healthy, physically fit, happiness, pleasure
healty, sound and sane
hearing sense
heart and brain, feelings and intellect
heart beat, trembling
heart, cardia [G] core, centre, medulla [L], marrow
heart, cardia [G], the blood pumping vascular organ, heart
heart, diaphrgm
heart, epigastrium, liver, solar plexus
heat exhaustion, heat stroke
heat stroke, sun stroke, hyperpyrexia
heat, anger, passion, lust, gonorrhea and syphilis
heat, fire, boiling, stewing, ripening, rotting
heat, harmth, burning, fever, temperature, blood circulation
heat, harmth, fever, temperature, virulence
heaviness, indigestion
hectic beat, pulsation of blood in the heart and blood vessels, pulsation or throbbing of blood vessels at temples
hectic fever of tuberculosis
heel, calcaneus the heel bone, os calcis, calcaneum
height, stature, tallness
hemicrania, migraine
hemiplegia, hemiparesis, paraplegia, paralysis
hemp extract, cannabis resin, marijuana, pot
hemp, cannabis sativa, hashish, mariyuana cannabis Americana
hepatic blood, the blood of liver, portal blood
hiccup, hiccough, death rattle
hip, buttock
hoarseness, largyngitis
hoarseness, laryngitis

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