Dictionary of Medical Science (English To Sindhi)

hoarseness, laryngititis
hole, anus, origice
hole, aperture
hole, aperture, window orifice
hole, burrow, sinus, fistula
hole, cavity, pit
hole, cavity, pit, rut, wound, furrow
hole, crack, fissure
hole, cut, wound
hole, oozing, seepage, urination, micturation
hole, orifice, flaw, defect
hole, wound
hollow thing cavity
hollow, empty, vacant, worn, eaten
hollow, hollowed cheek, socket
hollow, weak, feeble, blister
homicide, murder, slaughter
homosexuality sodemy
hot fementation
hot fomentation
hot fomentation physiotherapy
hot fomentation, physiotherapy
humour, disposition, temperament, there are four types or humours blood sanguin, phlegm phlegmatic bilous, melancholia melancholicbile
hunch back
hunch back, crouching
hunch, hump
Hunch, hump
hunch, hump
hunchback, hump back
hurt, blow, injury
husk of corn or seed, given as medicine
husk, scale, a moat or foreign body in eye, slice, section, segment
hydrophobia, rabies
hygienic, palatable, disgestable, pathogen or bacteria free
hyperhidrosis, excessive sweating, urticaria
hypochonchrac, impulsive, confused, perplexed
hypochondria, hypochondriasis, excensive anexiety about one’s health
hysteria, globushystericus
icapacitating pain low down in the back, lumbago
idiory, stupidity, foolishness
idiot moron, stupid
idiot, fool, stupid
idiot, silly
idiot, stupid, fool
ignorant, fool, stupid, penis
iliac bone, ileum [L], flank
illac region
illegitimate child
illegitimate child, a drop of semen
illegitimate child, bastard child
illness, ailment, malasy
illness, sickness
illness, sickness, disease
imagination, imagirative faculty
immature, unripe, raw, green, undeveloped, nipple, areota
importency, unmanliness, sexual inadequacy
incense, frankincense, bengoin
incense, jumigation
incision, cut, vaccination, inoculation to lance
incontinence or dribling of urine
increased mortality in an epedemic
incurable, terminal, intractable, irremediable
indentification mark
index finger
index finger
indigestion due to over eatings
indigestion, dyspepsia
indigestion, dyspepsia
indigestion, dyspepsia, flatulence
inexperienced, immature, green born
infancy, baby hood, suckling or lactating age
infancy, babyhood
infancy, babyhood
Infancy, childhood, babyhood
infant, baby
infant, child, baby
Infant, child, infantile, simpleton, immature
Infant,baby, sucking child
Infantile allergic dermatitis
infantile common cold or catarrh
infantile convulsion
infantile diarrhea
infantile eczema, skin crashes or lesens, vericles
infantile, childishness,primarily, foolishness,stupidity,chest congestion,bronchopreumonia
infections contact, contagion
infections or contagious disease
infertile or childless woman

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