Dictionary of Medical Science (English To Sindhi)

Retching, Suffocation, Nausea
retching, vominting
retching, vomiting
retching, vomiting
retching, vomiting, regurgitation
retching, vomiting, regurgitation
retention of semen
retention of urine
retention, inability to pass eg urine, withholding, holding breath, suffocation
retentive memory
retentive power
rheum at corners of eyes
rheumatic pain, rheumatisim, rheumatoid arthritis
righthanded, right sided, healhy, dexter sound, whole
ring finger, finger
ring worm, tinea [L]
ring, finger
robust health, pregnancy
rod, urinary catheter
rolling or waddling gait
root, radix
root, radix [L], age, power, strength, generation
root, radix [L], origin, basis
rottenness, staleness, sepsis, putrefaction
round worms, ascaris lumbricoides
rub, massages, anoint, scrub
rustification, deficiency, fever
sacrum, the tail bone of back bone, consisting of five fused vertebrae, coccyx [G], the last small bone of vertebral column, attached to sacrum
sad, heart, broken, aggrieved
sadness, gloominess, unhappiness, blue mood, dejection
sadness, grief, sorrow, dejection
sadness, sorrow, grief
saliva, stickly or viscous fluid
salivation, slobbering
sane and sound, healthy, fit
sane, of sound mind, mentally fit
sane, sensible
Sanguis [L] blood, haeima [G], red viscid fluid filling the heart and blood vessels of body, homicide, murder
sapling, newly grown, youth
Satchel, pouch, cyst
scab, crust, scale, cicatrix [L], scar
scab, scale, scar, itching
scalybranny eruption of the skin,a fungle infection with buff coloured patches on the chest, neck and shoulders, pityriasis versicolor, leprosy
scapula, shoulder blade, scapular pain
scapula, shoulder, blade
scapular pain
scar, mark of wound after healing, scarification
scar, pock, mark of small pox
sciatic nerve, sciatica
scratch, bruise, abrasion
scratch, friction mark
scrofula, goiter, thyrotoxicosis
scrofula, tuberculosis of bones or lymph glands, scrofulous or tuberculotic cervical lymphadenopathy
search, quest, investigation, detection
season, menstruation
sebum, filament, like oozing material coming out from nose, on pressure
secretion of milk in breasts, lactogenesis
secretion, wetness, discharge
seed, semen, sperm
seed, semen, sperm
seeing, looking
seeping, oozing
segment, phalange, phalanx
segment, section
segment, section, slice, portion, cutlet
self, ego, I
self, existence, nature, origin, essence, body, person, entity, caste
selfego, self concionsness, self, the ‘I’
selflessness, rapture, trance, ecstasy
semen discharge at climax of coitus, flow of tears from eye or ophthalmic discharge, post-nasal discharge
semen retention
semen, male genital discharge, male sexual secretion, sperm
semen, male genital secretion
semen, sperm
semen, sperm
sense, awarness, conciousness, cognition, recognition
sense, common sense, horsesense, understanding
sense, comprehensives ,awareness, knowledge
sense, sensation
sense, wit, counsel
sense,reason, understanding,intelligence

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