Dictionary of Medical Science (English To Sindhi)

baby born after seven months of pregnancy
bacillary dysentery, intestinal tuberculosis
back bone, spine
back bone, vertrebral column, spine
back of neck, nape, nucha
back, dorsum
back, posterior or dorsal aspect of body
back, reverse
backbone, spine, vertebral column
bacteria, micro,organisms
badness mal [f]
badness, mal [f], pathology
bady, child, new born, neonate
baldness, alopecia
bandage, bandaging after dressing
basically dysentry midwife birth
bath, wash, ablution, lavage
be aborted
be frightened, scared, terror stricken, terrorized, horrified, shocked
be lusty, sexually excited
be obstructed, occluded, closed, stopped, arrested, impacted, bound, constipated
be pregnanat, be conceived
be pregnant
be scrated, be scraped, be abraded
be sick
beat, throb, pulsation, heartbeat
beat, throb, pulsation, trembling, tremors, flutter, palpitation, fibrillation, tachycardia
beaten metal, pulversed metal, supra dilusted poison, oxide of metal, calx, tonic
bed ridden
belching, eructation regurgitation of food
belly, abdomen
below the jaw or mandible, sb mandibular, sub maxillary
benumbed with cold, numbness, coagulation of blood
biceps, upper arm, cord, brachium
bifacial, with two openings
big hole or wound
big teethed, buck, toothed
big, large, tall, huge, superior, senior, elder, grand, adult
bile, gall
billous, gallic, one of four humours of body
birth attendant
birth mark, red spot, pert-wine stain, heamangioma
birth to be born, growing, being congealed, or coagulated or frozen, adhesion
birth, genesis
birth, labour, parturition, delivery, act of expelling the baby from the mother’s body, being born
bisexual, hermaphrodite
bite, biting, snakebite, munching, chopping, swallowing
black magic, black art
black mole, naevus
black water causing glaucoma
bleb, blister
bleb, blister
bleb, blister, bulla, vesicle, pemphigus
bleeding from nose
bleeding of vein, phlebotomy, venesction
blind, sightless
blindness, loss of sight
blinking of eyes
blister, scald
blistering of foot, foot, soring
blisters around lips after fever, herpes simplex
blockhead, idiot
blood and pus
blood and sputum out of body
blood circulation
blood clot from nose or mouth in epistaxis, hoemoptys, blood clot
blood leeching, phlebotomy
blood pressure
blood stain, a big blot or stain
blood sucker
blood vessel, artery or vein
blood, haema [G], menses
bloody haematic, blood stained
bloody motion, diarrhoca or dysentry
bloody, of blood, sanguineous
blooming, blossoming, budding, bcswollen, flatulent
blooming, blossoming, impregnation, fertilization
blooming, cheerfulness, exhilaration, freshness
blossoming, pubescence, puberty
blow, injury
blow, injury, hurt
blowing, breathe, exhalation
blurring, rays
blurt, burp
bodily, corporeal, carnal

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