Dictionary of Medical Science (English To Sindhi)

5th month of pregnancy
8th or 9th month of pregnancy
a baby without teeth
a bhorl of hair on head or body
a blood sucking parasite, tick
a chornic discharging or purulent wound, ulcer
a cripple with maimed upper and lower limbs
a crone, hag, very old women
a disease of digestive system
a dream
a dream
a fat worm
a gulp, a swallow
a knuckle of finger
a large hole
a large hole
a large hole, big wound
a large louse
a large louse
a large louse
a long breathe taken through nostrils or nose
a man with big or swollen testicles
a mote or foreign body in the eye
a person with eye mucus
a person with flared or large nostrils
a person with large nostrils, nasal, mucosa
a person with six fingers and toes
a person with small or slitted eyes, clim, sighted, purblind
a person without arms or hands
a pill, a seed, grain
a small, thin and weak child
a snugf to prevent epistaxis, bleeding from nose
a sticking blood sucking mite
a stone or calculus in urinary bladder, kidney or gall bladder, etc
a suckling baby
a tattoo, tattooing
a variety of pox
a woman pregnant for the first time, primigravida
a woman with fullterm pregnancy
a woman with milk production before delivery
abdominal ache or pain
abiob of sputum
abnormal eye lashes growing inside edge of eyelid, causing irritation from friction on eye ball, trichiasis 6
aboration, miscarriage
abortion, miscarriage
abortion, miscarriage
abortion, miscarriage, still birth
absorption power
abstinence in sickness
achilles tendon, tendoachillles, the depression on both sides of tendon above heel, hock
acidic or sour belching, heart burn, acidic regurgitation
acquaintance, recognition, diagnosis
acting as insane, malingerer
actinomycosis, mycetoma, madura foot
action, work, process, operation, effect
acumen, keenen, discernment, perspicacity, penetration, shrewdness, intelligence
acute hearing
addict, bonded slave
addiction, craving
addiction, craving for during
addiction, drug abuse
adolescence, pubescence, puberty, the activation of reproductive organs, accompaineed by secondary sexual characteristics
adolescent girl
adolescent, pubcscent
adolescenting child, a pup
adomen, belly, womb
after birth, expulsion of placenta
after birth, uterine discharge after delivery of baby, placenta
age, age period
age, lifespan
agonizing, pain, sherp cutting pain, incisive pain, sharp apasmodic pain in abdomen
agony, anguish
ague, fever with rigors, malaria
alertness, awakening, watchfulness, cautioness, sensibility, wisdom, prudence
all 32 teeth, upper & lower in mouth’s denture
all fingers of hand, all toes of feet, open hand, claw
allergic rhinitis of hot summer
alopecia areata, fox-mange
amoebic dysentry
amputated fore arm
an adolescent girl, now to wear three clothes, including mantila
an antidote for snake-bite
an aquatic, worm, hirudo medicinalis leech placenta
anaemia, deficiency in the number of RBCs or their hemoglobin
anal fissure, fistula-in-ano

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