Dictionary of English (Devnagri) to Sindhi (English To Sindhi)

A bill of divorce.
A bill of exchange.
A bird having fresh feathers after molting.
A bird. s. f. A small fan. A strip or field of cultivated land. Eighty fish in counting them.
A bird’s nest.
A birth place.
A bit or morsel of flesh meat, a piece of meat.
A bite. S A potter’s wheel. A farm of land. The circular shield sunk in digging wells. A circle. चकु पाइणु or विझणु چڪُ پائڻُ يا وِجھڻُ To bite.
A biter.
A black color, blackness, a blemish, defect, taint.
A black pigeon with a white face.
A black pigeon.
A black-smith.
A blackguard, a useless vagabond.
A blackguard, rascal, scoundrel. S The 8th part of a rupee. Solvency.
A blackguard, rascal.
A blackguard, rascal.
A blackguard, rascal. adj. Thin, emaciated.
A bladder.
A blade of a sword etc. the head of a spear or arrow. S Fruit, the young of an animal.
A blanket. P The waist. S The dewlap. कमरि बं॒धणु ڪمرِ ٻنڌڻُ To gird the loins, exert oneself.
A blast of wind, a smart shower of rain, a ticket of trees, copse, coppice.
A blast or puff of wind.
A blast, puff, whiff.
A blaze, flame, the sound of blazing fire. The flying at one or attacking harshly with words, giving a sharp rebuff.
A bleeding at the nose.
A bleeding at the nose.
A bleeding at the nose.
A blemish, failing, defect, vice.
a blessing or prayer for success May God guard you! Ro speed you! Farewell!
A blessing, benediction.
A blind for horse’s eyes.
A blister on hands or feet from abrasion.
A blister on the skin from a burn etc.
A blister on the skin, a vesication. A bubble, anything swelled out in the wind, a light kind of cowries shell.
A blister, a pustule, from friction on the skin.
A blister, puffing out of the skin.
A blister, vesication.
A block for chopping on, a rail running across the bottom part of a turner’s lathe on which his feet are placed.
A block or lump of stick on which clothes are beaten in washing.
A blockhead, a tall stupid, useless person.
A blockhead, dunce, stupid, slow of understanding. The spike of a top.
A blockhead, fool, ignorant person.
A blockhead, fool.
A blockhead, fool.
A blockhead, fool.
A Blockhead.
A blockhead.
A blockhead.
A blockhead.
A blockhead.
A blow or slap with the index and middle fingers joined.
A blow with joined hands given by boys in play. The rub or push given up to the teat of a cow etc in milking it.
A blow, misfortune, shock.
A blow, stroke, hurt, wound, bruise, shock, a stroke of misfortune, loss, damage.
A blue dyer.
A board or marked cloth for playing chess and other games on.
A board to which bullocks are yoked by which sand and earth are dragged out of the dry bed of canals. A kind of bag for raising earth from bottom of wells.
A board, plank, a flag stone. The plank or flag on which a water man beats his clothes. Name of a salt water fish.
A board, plank, stone flag, slab. The raised walk in a garden.
A boarded floor on ceiling, wainscoting.
A boaster, a teller of idle tales or lying stories.
A boaster, braggart.
A boaster, braggart.
A boaster, braggart. A farter.
A boaster, bragged, conceited, affected.
A boaster, idle talker, teller of lying stories.
A boaster.
A boat.
A boatman, sailor.
A boat’s flag.
A boat’s plank used to reach to the shore for stepping in and out on.
A boat’s sail.
A boat’s tiller.
A bobbin or spool fixed on the shuttle.
A bobbin, a weaver’s spool. A musical pipe.
A body of four things, the number four.
A body of husbandmen or subjects, a body of persons of any particular trade or class in the community. Peasantry. Relations, kinsmen, family, race, brotherhood.
A body of men, a party.
A body of persons, a flock, a caravan.
A body of pressed laborers. The rope by which a boat is pulled in tracking. That which causes anger in another, provocation, annoyance, a number of persons following and provoking another.
A body of wasps. A wasp’s nest.
A body, person.
A boil in boiling.
A boil in the armpit.
A boil, abscess.
A boil, abscess. S A fort.
A boil, imposture.
A boil.
A bond of agreement or recognizance.
A bone or pebble said to be produced in the head of the snake and used as a cure for venomous bites or stings. A jewel, gem. The vertebrate of the neck, or the knobbed bone connecting them with the backbone.
A bone. The inside or core. The bone or blood of relationship.
A book binder.
A book.
A book.
A book.
A boot.
A boot.
A border of brocade, gold lace. किनारीदारु ڪِنارِيدارُ A garment with such border.
A border of silk or brocade put on clothes.

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